How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches


A cockroach is one of the most stressful creatures to have in your home. They are hard to get rid of, and take up lots of time just trying to clean them out.

There are many different ways to get rid of cockroaches, but the most effective use a combination of methods such as insecticides, sanitizing, getting rid of food sources, keeping your home dry, and several more.

In this article, I’ll teach you how to get rid of cockroaches quickly and effectively so that you and your family can regain your peace of mind! Ok let’s dive in! 

You may also be interested in reading these two related articles “How To Get Rid Of Moths” and “How To Get Rid Of Silverfish“.

Why Cockroaches Are So Hard To Get Rid Of

Cockroaches have enormous genomes (full set of genes/genetic material) – larger than the vast majority of researched insects. Many of these genes are what make cockroaches such survivors.

Smell and Taste (Chemoreception)

Cockroaches have an excellent sense of smell and taste, and are better at smelling and tasting food than other insects. They are not finicky eaters; they can thrive on a wide range of foods and non-food substances.
Proteins, meats, and grease are favorite meals for cockroaches, but they may also consume things like cardboard, rotten flesh, book bindings, blood, excrement, and even toenails that have already been chewed upon by other roaches. They can even get nourishment from things that would harm other animals or from the corpses of other roaches.

Strong Immune Systems

Cockroaches can survive in the most filthy of conditions, unaffected by germs that they readily acquire and transport with them wherever they go.

Resistance to Conventional Pesticides

Cockroaches are more difficult to get rid of than ever before since they have evolved resistance to pesticides that were previously effective.

Cockroaches with a high level of resistance produce descendants that are just as resistant, if not more so. A new generation of cockroaches produces an increase in resistance by four to six times.

This does not mean that cockroach control products aren’t effective; it simply implies you can’t rely on them as your only approach.

How to Identify a Cockroach Infestation

If you think you may have a cockroach infestation, there are a few ways to tell. The first, and most obvious sign of an infestation is seeing cockroaches themselves.

They are typically about 1-2 inches long and are brown or black in color. They have wings, but they do not fly. You may also see them near sinks or in the kitchen; cockroaches like damp and dark spaces.

Another sign is an unpleasant smell, and lots of droppings (small black dots). There could be a film on your countertops and floors that comes from their oily bodies.

If you see small brown or black dots along baseboards or walls, that’s another great clue. These feces will also indicate to you that there are many roaches in your home if they are this noticeable. 

The Best Methods for Getting Rid of Cockroaches

Again, getting rid of cockroaches is one of the most daunting tasks that you may have to deal with at some point in your life. Here’s a list of the best methods for getting rid of them:

1. Insecticides

Insecticides are the most common form of treatment for cockroaches because they are highly effective. Although there appears to be thousands of products on the market, some are not even that strong nor do they kill quickly enough.

The best insecticide treatments will have both an active ingredient of Pyrethrin, and a residual of Cyfluthrin. Pyrethrin is known for its quick acting, however it does not last long. Thus, Cyfluthrin is added to provide longer lasting residual effects. This provides a strong chance of killing the cockroaches that come in contact with the sprayed areas.

Boric Acid is also  a great insecticide that is easy to find and it has a long residual effect. When using Boric Acid, bugs will walk through it and ingest it, then they die as a result. This is an effective low-toxicity form of pest control.

2. Use Glue Strips to Identify Problem Areas

Glue strips are a handy tool for detecting roach infestations. The scent of the trap draws in roaches, and once they walk on the strip, it catches them. Place store-bought glue strips in any locations where you’ve observed roach activity, such as behind the refrigerator or under the sink, for optimum results.

Advantage: Safe for children and pets as long as the strips are kept out of sight (as long as the strips are hidden)

Disadvantage: The biggest disadvantage of this option is that you must check and change and replace roach strips as they become filled with dead roaches after a few days or weeks.

3. Set Bait Stations

What kills cockroaches fast? Bait stations! They’re a great way to get rid of roaches. These bait stations, which are often available in a long tube, may be placed virtually anywhere you’ve seen roach activity.

The bait’s fragrance entices roaches, who then consume the toxin. When the roach returns to its nest and dies, the other roaches will eat it, passing along the poison throughout the colony. This is very similar to Boric Acid.

Advantages: Fast-acting and efficient

Disadvantages: Bait stations may be unsightly around a home, are harmful to children and pets, will leave dead roaches strewn about the property, non-target species like birds and other pets may consume dead roaches – poisoning them as well.

4. Sanitizing

There are numerous ways to sanitize, and it is important to do so everyday even if you don’t have cockroaches. You can clean your cabinets and counters with an all-purpose cleaner, along with any other surfaces that may be able to provide a roach hiding spot. 

5. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a fast and simple technique to get rid of roaches that you may already have in your pantry. Sprinkle a spoonful of baking soda on diced onions to make a DIY roach bait.

Place this appetizer in any area where you’ve observed roach activity. The baking soda causes the roaches’ stomachs to inflate, causing them to burst as a result of the gas buildup.

Pros: Effective, non-toxic, and inexpensive

Cons: Be weary if you have dogs, as onions are toxic to them. Also, baking soda can be a bit messy, and you’ll have to hunt down and destroy dead roaches.

6. Getting Rid Of Food Sources

Cockroaches love food, especially sweet or fatty sources. Remove all food from your cabinets and countertops, then clean them thoroughly. Cockroaches also enjoy overripe fruits and vegetables, so either remove these items from the house immediately or put them in a plastic bag to prevent access.

7. Keeping Your Home Dry

Cockroaches need water to survive, so minimizing the amount of water in your home is one of the biggest ways to get rid of them. Fix any leaks that you may have, especially around sinks and washing machines. Cockroaches can’t survive on just fat and sugar alone; they need water too.

How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of Cockroaches?

The time it takes to get rid of cockroaches is determined by a variety of elements, including:

  • How many cockroaches there are
  • How old is your house (older homes contain more cracks, crevices, and wall voids)
  • How clean and tidy you maintain your house

Cockroaches can be difficult to get rid of, taking anything from a few days to a few weeks. Prevention methods and regular treatments are required in order for cockroaches to feel unwelcome in your house.

So the next time someone asks, “how do you get rid of cockroaches?” you’ll know what to say and some tips for eliminating these uninvited pests.

How Roaches Enter Your Home

Roaches are drawn to your home for a variety of causes as outlined in this post, but attraction is merely the start.

To be able to do any damage, they must first be able to get INTO your house. The most typical way these sly pests gain access to your property is via cracks and gaps in doors, windows, and other parts of your home.

Here are some examples:

1. Cracks and crevices 

Cockroaches are able to get into houses several different ways, including cracks and crevices in windows and doors. The most common issues we encounter with homeowners are gaps in their doorways or windows that don’t close completely.

2. Vents and pipes

Cockroaches will frequently use your ventilation systems and pipes to get into your house. This is especially true for older vents that don’t fully seal. Make sure you inspect your vents when you replace them and keep an eye on pipes beneath your sink for any potential entryways.

3. Traveling on items

Although it’s not common, cockroaches are also known for riding aboard objects such as outdated furniture if you’re moving it into your home. So next time you move that old table from your garage to your dining room, make sure to check for pests.

Preventing Cockroaches From Coming Back

One of the most important things you can do to get rid of cockroaches is to prevent them from coming back. There are a few things you can do to make your home less appealing to cockroaches:

  • Like mentioned earlier, make sure there are no food or water sources for cockroaches. Keep your kitchen clean and dry, and don’t leave food or drink containers out overnight.
  • Fix any leaks or plumbing problems. Cockroaches need water to survive, so fixing any leaks will help get rid of them.
  • Remove clutter from your home. Cockroaches like to hide in dark, confined spaces, so removing clutter will make your home less appealing to them.
  • Install door sweeps and weather stripping on your doors and windows to prevent cockroaches from getting in.
  • You can also put sticky traps around your house to catch any roaches that do make their way inside. Cockroach bait is also an option, but it only works when you actually see the roach ingesting it, so if you don’t see any roaches then it’s not very effective.

What Happens If a Cockroach Infestation Gets Out of Control?

If you can’t get rid of the cockroaches on your own, you may need to call in a professional. Cockroaches can be difficult to get rid of and can sometimes require fumigation or pesticides. If the infestation is bad, you may have to leave your home until the cockroaches are gone.

Final Thoughts

As stated before, getting rid of cockroaches can be an extremely daunting, and tedious feat. But don’t fret, better days are yet to come!  No matter how many times you have tried, or failed at getting rid of cockroaches, there is always a solution. Even if this resolution fails for you, the next one surely will not. I hope that my information was useful enough to help those who need it!


Hi! My name is Paul. Yes that is me there in the picture! I spent most of my career owning and operating a large pest control company in Washington State. My main focus was on staying up to date with all of the best methods so that we could be the most effective pest control company in our markets. We developed the reputation of getting better results than all of our competitors. The purpose of this website is to impart all of that knowledge to those who want to know how to get rid of their own pests as effectively as the best professionals out there. I give you the benefit of my experience and tell you the best methods and treatments to do the job right the first time. Thank you for visiting us. We hope it will benefit you!

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