How To Get Rid Of Red Wasps?

Red Wasps

Red wasps are aggressive flying insects with a potent sting. If they’ve taken over your property, you need to eliminate them.

To get rid of red wasps, first identify them and make sure they aren’t yellow jackets. Next, find their nest and douse it with an insecticide spray. Alternatively, make a DIY red wasp trap with a two-liter bottle and bait if you can’t find the nest. When dealing with a few red wasps in your house, live trapping or a fly swatter will eliminate them. The next step is to prevent red wasps from returning by sealing your home, cleaning up your yard, removing their food sources, and growing plants they don’t like.

By following these steps, you can be red wasp free in no time! Please keep reading for a detailed explanation of my years helping people eliminate red wasps.

Identifying Red Wasps

Red wasps are a native and common flying insect in the southern and eastern United States. They have a striking red coloring and characteristic papery nests. 

These wasps stand out with reddish-brown hues, black wings, and yellow legs. They’re about an inch to one and a quarter inches long, with queens growing larger than workers. Additionally, these wasps display higher aggression than other species, vigorously defending their nests.

Red wasps often build their nests in sheltered areas, such as eaves, attics, and under porches. The nests are basketball-sized and made of a papery material that the wasps create by chewing wood fibers and mixing them with saliva.

Getting Rid Of Red Wasps Using Insecticidal Spray

While red wasps play a beneficial role in the environment, their presence can be bothersome, and their aggressive nature may lead to painful stings. If you frequently encounter red wasps, getting rid of them lowers your risk of negative experiences. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution as red wasps vigorously defend their nests, posing a risk of injury if disturbed.

Seek professional assistance for severe infestations to ensure safety. If you choose to handle the situation yourself, follow these safety measures while eliminating red wasps:

Staying Safe During Red Wasp Removal

1. Plan an Escape Route: Be prepared for red wasps swarming during the spraying process.

2. Mind the Residue: Red wasp sprays are adhesive; avoid unnecessary surfaces, and wash off any residue after the insects are eradicated.

3. Avoid Standing Directly Under Nests: Steer clear of standing directly beneath nests to avoid charging wasps.

4. Avoid Ladders: Refrain from using ladders because a frightening swarm of red wasps could lead to falls and serious injuries.

If you’re unsure about spraying red wasps, seek professional assistance rather than risking harm.

Step-by-Step Guide to Red Wasp Removal With Spray

Step 1: Identify the Nest

Red wasps, living in colonies of more than 800 individuals, likely have a nearby nest if they’re causing issues. Observe their behavior to trace them back to their papery nest.

Step 2: Apply Insecticide to the Nest

Choose a long-distance nozzle insecticide spray available at home improvement stores. Nighttime is optimal for spraying when red wasps are less active. 

Use personal protective equipment during application and check the nest the following day. Repeat the process until all red wasps are eliminated.

Step 3: Remove the Nest

Wait and watch to ensure no red wasp activity before knocking down the nest using a broom or pole and directing it into a garbage bag. Wear gloves to avoid insecticide contact, and seal the bag securely.

Natural Red Wasp Control: Making a Two-Liter Bottle Trap

Insecticidal sprays may have drawbacks, such as harming unintended targets or posing risks upon exposure. For a more environmentally friendly approach, consider making a DIY trap with these instructions:

  1. Cut the top third off an empty two-liter bottle.
  2. Place bait (rotting meat, overripe fruit, canned cat food, juice, or soda) in the bottom.
  3. Invert the top part into the bottom, creating a funnel pointing toward the bait.
  4. Seal the edges with tape.
  5. Position the trap near red wasp nests or hang it away from living areas.
  6. Once full of red wasps, seal the trap in a bag and freeze it. Dispose of the insects the next day.

Remember, this trap attracts red wasps, so avoid placing it near living spaces. Also, some red wasps might escape, making a cautious approach critical.

Can You Use Vinegar To Get Rid of Red Wasps?

Using vinegar alone to eliminate red wasps isn’t practical. While spraying vinegar directly onto a red wasp nest could potentially kill them, the process is slower than an insecticidal spray, increasing the risk of being swarmed and attacked during the application.

Also, vinegar attracts red wasps rather than repelling them. However, you can utilize vinegar as bait in traps to effectively eliminate red wasps.

Red wasps are drawn to the scent of vinegar, which resembles rotting fruit. Enhance its attractiveness by adding sugar and dish soap to create a potent mixture. Sugar adds enticing aromas, while the soap makes it easier for red wasps to drown upon contact with the bait.

Getting Rid Of Red Wasps In The Ground

If you find a wasp nest in the ground, it’s probably not a red wasp. They only build nests from branches, overhangs, eaves, and other elevated places.

Wasps coming from the ground could be yellow jackets, which sometimes have a reddish appearance like red wasps. Yellow jackets are slightly smaller and have a yellow and black striped abdomen that sets them apart.

If you find a yellow jacket infestation in the ground and need help getting rid of them, check out my article on the subject here.

Dealing with Red Wasps When You Can’t Find the Nest 

Deploying strategic red wasp traps can help mitigate the issue when you can’t locate their nest. Set up several traps at a distance but within sight of your gathering or areas you want to keep red-wasp-free. 

This helps redirect the attention of red wasps away from your immediate vicinity. You’re likely to trap a few of the annoying insects, plus they’re likely to pay less attention to your food or friends.

How To Get Rid Of Red Wasps In House

You can use more targeted and hands-on approaches if dealing with just one or a handful of red wasps inside your house. The process is similar to how you would get rid of many other insects trapped in your home.

You can increase your chances of success by working at night when red wasps are less active. Also, wear long sleeves and gloves to protect yourself from stings.

Live Trapping

  • Prepare a container with a wide opening, such as a glass or plastic tupperware.
  • Approach the red wasp cautiously.
  • Gently place the container over the wasp, trapping it inside.
  • Slide the lid under the container to enclose the wasp.
  • Once the wasp is trapped, carefully carry the container outdoors and release it away from your living space.

Fly Swatter Method

  • Equip yourself with a fly swatter. If you don’t have one, a rolled-up magazine may work.
  • Identify the wasp’s location and approach slowly to avoid startling it.
  • When in range, use the fly swatter to swiftly and accurately strike the wasp.
  • Be cautious of your surroundings to avoid accidentally hitting objects or surfaces.
  • Dispose of the dead red wasp in a garbage container.

Effectively Repelling Red Wasps

Once you’ve successfully eliminated red wasps, preventing their return is crucial. To stop them from coming back to your home, implement the following measures tailored for repelling red wasps:

Remove Attractive Food Sources

Red wasps are drawn to sugary and protein-rich foods. Take steps to eliminate potential food sources for red wasps by:

– Cleaning up thoroughly after meals.

– Clearing fallen fruit during harvest seasons.

– Placing hummingbird feeders away from your house and living areas.

– Using tight-fitting lids on garbage cans.

– Employing a sealed compost bin or covering compost piles.

Seal Your Home

Red wasps can enter your home through tiny openings. Prevent their entry by implementing sealing measures, such as:

– Installing screens on windows and doors.

– Repairing existing screens.

– Adding door sweeps under doors.

– Fixing weather stripping around windows and doors.

– Patching cracks or holes in your foundation, siding, and vents.

Maintain Your Landscaping

A well-kept yard is less inviting to red wasps. Perform the following yard maintenance to discourage them:

– Trimming grasses, hedges, and shrubs regularly.

– Avoid planting sweet-smelling flowers near living areas.

– Removing dead or hollowed trees where red wasps could build nests.

Repellent Plants

Grow plants that red wasps don’t like, such as:

– Eucalyptus

– Marigold

– Lemongrass

– Spearmint

– Thyme

– Geranium

Monitor for New Nests

Stay vigilant in areas where you’ve observed nests before or suspect red wasps might nest. Detecting and eliminating a new nest is more manageable than dealing with an established one.

Pre-treat these areas with residual liquid insecticide or essential oils that deter red wasps, such as:

– Citronella

– Lemon

– Peppermint

– Orange

By combining these targeted measures, you can create an environment less conducive to red wasps, minimizing the likelihood of their return.


Hi! My name is Paul. Yes that is me there in the picture! I spent most of my career owning and operating a large pest control company in Washington State. My main focus was on staying up to date with all of the best methods so that we could be the most effective pest control company in our markets. We developed the reputation of getting better results than all of our competitors. The purpose of this website is to impart all of that knowledge to those who want to know how to get rid of their own pests as effectively as the best professionals out there. I give you the benefit of my experience and tell you the best methods and treatments to do the job right the first time. Thank you for visiting us. We hope it will benefit you!

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