How Long Do Mosquito Bites Last?

Mosquito Bites

Almost everyone has experienced itchy, annoying mosquito bites from time to time. But you may wonder how long they should last.

Most mosquito bites last from one to three days. But every person has different experiences, with some having red bumps and itchiness for a week and some not feeling any effects. If mosquito bite symptoms don’t improve after five days, it could be time to start worrying and get help from a medical professional. Also, there are many ways to make a mosquito bite go away sooner, including washing the bite and keeping it clean, icing the area, heating it, applying antihistamine cream, and other home remedies.

Overall, mosquito bites should go away quickly. If you want to learn more about how long mosquito bites last, continue reading this article. Please see my related articles: “Do Cockroaches Bite People?“, “What Scents Do Cockroaches Hate?” and “How To Deal With Mouse Poop.”

How Long Does It Take For Mosquito Bites To Go Away?

The time you spend irritated from a mosquito bite varies from person to person and depends on several factors, including your sensitivity to the insect’s saliva and how you treat the area. On average, mosquito bites last from a few hours to a few days. 

In other words, some mosquito bites won’t affect you, while others could stay bothersome for more than seven days. If you scratch your mosquito bite and it bleeds healing will take longer.

What Are The Stages Of A Mosquito Bite?

For most people, mosquito bites progress in a predictable pattern. The stages of a mosquito bite are:

  1. Immediate Reaction: When a mosquito bites you, it injects its saliva, which contains anticoagulants and other substances to facilitate feeding. This can cause an immediate reaction, including redness, swelling, and itching, often beginning immediately or within minutes of the bite.
  2. Peak Swelling and Itching: The most uncomfortable sensations from mosquito bites usually peak within 24 to 48 hours. During this time, your skin may be annoying or painful.
  3. Resolution: Most mosquito bites start to improve after a few days and gradually subside. The redness and swelling should decrease, and the itching should become less severe.
  4. Complete Healing: In most cases, mosquito bites completely heal within a week or so. The precise duration may vary based on your body’s immune response and the treatment methods you use.

Remember, not every mosquito bite will follow these stages.

How Long Do Mosquito Bites Last On Your Face?

Having a mosquito bite on your face can have the added frustration of making you feel embarrassed about your appearance. Unfortunately, predicting how long they will leave a red dot and itchiness is impossible.

A mosquito bite on your face could last from one day to a week. It will likely last longer if you scratch it or apply irritating makeup. 

When Should I Be Worried About Mosquito Bites? 

Mosquito bites are generally harmless and can be treated at home with over-the-counter remedies. But if your symptoms worsen or don’t improve after five days, it might be time to get help.

Additionally, there are certain situations where you should consider seeing a doctor or seeking medical attention for a mosquito bite, including:

Severe Allergic Reaction

If you experience symptoms such as difficulty breathing, face, lips, or throat swelling, dizziness, rapid heart rate, or a feeling of impending doom shortly after being bitten by a mosquito, seek immediate medical attention. These symptoms could indicate a severe allergic reaction, which can be life-threatening.


An infected mosquito bite looks red, swollen, and filled with pus. You might also experience increased pain, warmth, or a fever. In such cases, you may need to be prescribed antibiotics or receive other treatments from your doctor.


Suppose the redness and swelling from a mosquito bite continue to spread, and you develop symptoms like fever, chills, and increasing pain. In that case, it may be a sign of cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection. This condition requires quick medical attention and treatment with antibiotics.

Signs of a Tick Bite or Tick-Borne Illness

If you mistake a tick bite for a mosquito bite or suspect it has bitten you, seeing a doctor is essential. Tick bites can look like mosquito bites but transmit diseases like Lyme, requiring specific medical treatment.

Multiple Bites with Unusual Symptoms

If many mosquitoes bite you and develop unusual or severe symptoms, it’s a good idea to seek medical advice, especially if you’re unsure of the cause.

Travel to High-Risk Areas

Travel to regions where mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, dengue fever, or Zika virus are prevalent. You should take extra precautions to avoid mosquito bites and be vigilant for any symptoms associated with these diseases. Seek medical attention promptly if you experience symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, joint or muscle pain, or rash after returning from such areas.

Pre-existing Medical Conditions

Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as compromised immune systems, may be more susceptible to infections from mosquito bites. If you have a medical condition that affects your immune system, consult your healthcare provider if you experience any unusual symptoms after a mosquito bite.

Remember that prevention is the best approach to dealing with mosquito-borne illnesses. Use mosquito repellents, wear protective clothing, and take other precautions to minimize your risk of mosquito bites, especially in areas where mosquito-borne diseases are prevalent.

If you want all the tips I’ve learned about getting rid of mosquitos, check out my article, which teaches you everything you need to know.

How Do You Make Mosquito Bites Go Away Faster?

Of course, we all want the itching and pain from mosquito bites to last as short as possible. The first rule to help them go away is to avoid scratching; even though it feels good, it can lead to broken skin, prolonged symptoms, and possibly infection.

Fortunately, making mosquito bites go away faster is pretty simple. To alleviate the discomfort and speed up the healing process, you can try the following:

  • Wash the affected area with soap and water to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Apply an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to reduce itching and inflammation.
  • Use a cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a cloth to reduce swelling and numb the area.
  • Take an oral antihistamine (like diphenhydramine) if the itching is severe and affects your sleep or daily activities.

Home Remedies To Make Mosquito Bites Go Away Faster

If you want to go the extra mile to relieve your itchy, red mosquito bites, some household items might help. Try one or all of these home remedies to get rid of your mosquito bite faster:

Oatmeal Paste

A classic breakfast that you might not know soothes mosquito bites.

Create an oatmeal paste by mixing equal parts oatmeal and water. Apply it to the bite for 10 minutes; the itching and pain should disappear. 

For a more luxurious experience, submerge in an oatmeal bath by placing 1 cup of oatmeal in a tub full of hot water. Soak in the tub, feel the oaty goodness around you, and you’ll almost certainly forget about your mosquito bites.

Targeted Heat

Apply controlled heat using a warm cloth or electric blanket for no longer than 10 minutes. Warming the mosquito bite increases blood flow, aiding your body’s natural healing powers and limiting the time it will cause you to feel discomfort.

Soothing Honey 

Apply a small drop of honey to the bite for potential inflammation reduction. Plus, you’ll be less likely to scratch the area because your fingers will end up in a sticky mess!

Aloe Vera

You might have used this succulent plant to help with sunburns. Luckily, applying aloe vera gel also helps to soothe the irritated area around a mosquito bite and hasten healing.

You might have an aloe vera product in your medicine cabinet already. Or, if you have fresh plants, you can make your own gel to make mosquito bites go away faster.

Baking Soda

My mom always pulled out this remedy when I was little and got itchy mosquito bites. Almost everyone has a box of this white powder, and you can put it to good use.

Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with water to make a paste. Apply it to the bite for 10 minutes before washing off. 

There’s a chance your skin could be irritated by baking soda. If you feel any worse from the paste, wash it off and try another method.

Basil Poultice 

Basil is more than just a tasty herb in caprese salads; it’s a soothing and healing plant medicine. Make a poultice by mashing fresh basil leaves and placing the green mush over your mosquito bite to make it disappear faster.

Also, dried leaves work, but you must soak them in warm water first. Leave the poultice on for as long as you like. As a bonus, it will prevent you from scratching.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Dab a drop of apple cider vinegar on the bite for relief, or soak a washcloth in cold water and vinegar and place it over your mosquito bite. 

Alternatively, dilute vinegar in bathwater for multiple bites. Stop if you feel like the vinegar makes your skin feel worse.


Hi! My name is Paul. Yes that is me there in the picture! I spent most of my career owning and operating a large pest control company in Washington State. My main focus was on staying up to date with all of the best methods so that we could be the most effective pest control company in our markets. We developed the reputation of getting better results than all of our competitors. The purpose of this website is to impart all of that knowledge to those who want to know how to get rid of their own pests as effectively as the best professionals out there. I give you the benefit of my experience and tell you the best methods and treatments to do the job right the first time. Thank you for visiting us. We hope it will benefit you!

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